• The Right Personal Attitudes

    Amongst others, Malcom Bird argues that there are three main attributes which effective leaders must develop: 

    • the right personal attitudes 
    • the ability to motivate others 
    • the skills to build and maintain a team 

    The start is, however, the right personal attributes. The would-be effective leader starts by taking a good look in the mirror and examining his or her own attitudes. 

    The 'right' attitudes are the bedrock of being able to lead well and consistently well at all levels of management and in any field of activity. These are: 

    Awareness (put into practice) that people matter and that the effective leader takes people with him or her 

    An understanding of the many human characteristics which can inhibit progress and how the resulting obstacles can be overcome 

    A willingness to look for and size up the facts avoiding shooting from the hip. This demands the personal discipline to forgo the easy option of taking off-the-cuff decisions in favour of judgement based on 'research' and analysis 

    Readiness to make changes. Without change, which can sometimes be painful, progress is impossible. The effective leader like at write my essay for me cheap suppresses his or her own natural reluctance to accept change and will actually initiate it. Then they will follow it through with persistence and patience, accompanied by a willingness to adapt or alter the direction or nature of the change until a successful result is achieved 

    Willingness to learn. No matter how experienced or well-qualified a leader may be there is always more to learn. The world changes and new ideas emerge. These new ideas which can sometimes be learned from subordinates are ignored at the leader's peril 

    Enthusiasm for the training and development of subordinates. The effective leader will encourage learning in his or her people and create opportunities for them to gain knowledge and skills 

    A preference for working in a systematic and ordered way. Disciplined activity will be preferred to chaos and ad hoc actions 

    Ability to set objectives and devise plans to meet them as opposed to working day to day on an expediency basis. This requires the discipline to recognise and distinguish between what is urgent and what is important and then to set priorities 

    Readiness to face problems and deal with them avoiding the temptation to find the excuse to do something else in the hope that the problems will go away 

    Willingness to give up 'technical work' which he or she may be good at and enjoy in favour or managing the human resources, that is, leading the people 

    Acceptance that learning and using management techniques appropriate to his or her job will be more successful than an instinctive approach 


    What You Have to Be or Become 

    It is a fact that some men possess an inbred superiority that gives them a dominating influence over their contemporaries, and marks them out unmistakably for leadership. This phenomenon is as certain as it is mysterious. It is apparent in every association of human beings, in every variety of circumstances and on every plane of culture. In a school among boys, in a college among the students, in a factory, shipyard, or a mine among the workmen, as certainly as in the Church and in the Nation, there are those who, with an assured and unquestioned title, take the leading place, and shape the general conduct. 

    So declared an eminent lecturer on leadership before the University of St. Andrews in 1934. Since time immemorial people have sought to understand this natural phenomenon of leadership. What is it that gives a person this influence over his fellows? 

    As this lecturer believed, most people thought that leadership was in 'inbred superiority' in other words, you are either born with it or not. The born leader will emerge naturally as the leader because his qualities of mind, spirit and character give him that 'assured and unquestioned title'.

    1 comment
  • The Truth Lies Half-way

    Few of us fall into the Nelson category or the Maxwell category. 

    Most of us are born with an IQ around the average, are moderately sensitive to other people and our environment and can apply a modicum of common sense to our actions. 

    We can also improve our leadership capabilities by learning the techniques that improve effectiveness and by practising them. 

    The Basic Requirements 

    A successful leader must obviously have sufficient technical, commercial or other knowledge related to his or her particular field. 

    Such knowledge, whilst essential, does nothing in itself to contribute to effective leadership. There are three other broad attributes that the would-be leader must develop: 

    The 'right' personal attitudes 

    The ability to motivate people for whom he or she is responsible 

    The ability to create and maintain a 'team' 

    These requirements demand, in turn, knowledge of a range of techniques such as: 

    • How to set objectives and devise plans 
    • How to train and develop individuals 
    • Communication, delegation and appraisal 

    These skills, which can be taught, will take the would-be leader a great deal further than the basic charm and persuasiveness with which he or she may have been born. Application of these skills will get results. This course focuses on self-analysis of your leadership skills a current inventory, if you like. You will also a team in an activity and receive feedback on your leadership skills. You are referred to other courses on our site for detailed training in the skills mentioned above specifically Essential Management Skills, Appraisal Techniques and Train the Trainer. 

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  • The Taught Leader

    If someone is born with the instincts of an angry Rottweiler and an I.Q. of around 50 it is most unlikely that he or she can be trained to be an effective leader. 

    Such people can 'lead' by threats, bullying and brute force but the usual result is a disaster. Such people are often effective talkers and can be very persuasive. 

    Tom Lloyd, former editor of Financial Weekly, writing about Robert Maxwell in the Daily Telegraph (24 November 1991) described Maxwell's style of management as 'crude, brutal and inefficient'. Here was a man who built a great business empire, which after his death, was shown to be founded on sand. His death left his successors battling to save the empire and ward off the bankers who were persuaded by Maxwell to lend him vast sums of money. 

    Whilst much may be said about the prudence of the bankers it is significant that Maxwell should have been so persuasive whilst adopting management styles which were not, in Lloyd's view, efficient. 

    Maxwell was no doubt a man with a high IQ and was probably capable of learning how to lead effectively. It is also likely that, even if taught, his personality was such that he would have done no more than pay lip-service to the use of delegation techniques, to finding ways of keeping good people or using the brain power of his people to the full. 

    As Lloyd said: 

    Maxwell's public persona appealed to executives frustrated by lack of excitement in their existing careers and he could turn on enough charm at first meeting to persuade them to join. But within three months people were often looking for a way out..... 

    Lloyd went on in his article to say that Maxwell 'didn't back people, he bought them and, once bought, they were expected to be compliant and quiet'. 

    your comment

    What is Leadership?

    Let us dispose of two fundamental errors; the assertions that leaders are born and not made; and the opposing view that anyone can be trained to be an effective leader. The truth lies half-way between. 

    The Born Leader 

    There have been many effective leaders who have never had any formal training in leadership but this does not prove that leaders are born and not made. There are no little girls or boys who arrive in the world equipped with the ability to organise, plan, set objectives and satisfy the other requirements of the effective leader. 

    They may, however, be born with certain personality factors which are conducive to effective leadership once they have learned a great deal about people and the world about them. 

    One example is Nelson who was smart enough to realise that if, before a battle, he explained his plans to his captains he would have a better chance of success. He realised what should be obvious to any twentieth-century leader: that if people understand the objectives and the plan then they will have at least an evens chance of achieving what the boss wants. 

    Nelson added this 'consultative' approach in the face of the contemporary belief that if a leader explained his ideas to his people he would diminish his authority. 

    Sadly, there are still so-called leaders (some of whom would claim to be born leaders) who, for one reason or another, fail to inform their people. They then blame the people when things go wrong. 

    The need to communicate (and how to do it) is one of the many skills which can be taught and which does not always come naturally to everyone who aspires to lead. 

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