• Understanding the Components of an Undergraduate Dissertation

    Writing your very first undergraduate dissertation can be an extremely exciting experience. Some of you may be rolling your eyes and shaking your heads right about now, however you have to realize that are writing your first major piece of academia. It is your first real taste of a long term, academic commitment, and your first real taste of dissertation writing. Many of you need thesis help in writing.

    Now, you cannot underestimate the importance of your dissertation – after all, it is a big part in the ultimate attainment of your Bachelor’s degree – it can be the culmination of everything for which you have worked so hard. Because of that, you are strongly encouraged to start considering dissertation ideas as soon as you receive the assignment. The sooner you can get started, the better. Trust, this is not like most of the academic papers you will do in undergraduate school and, as such, it is definitely not a project which can safely be put off until the last possible minute.

    You are also encourage to try to get onto a schedule, wherein you devote no less than half an hour each day on the actual process of dissertation writing. Considering the fact that there are so many components included in a good, strong undergraduate dissertation, this could make all the difference for you.

    Now, as to those components, you need to begin with an abstract, which will give a summary of your research, but only to the end that is where you get to prove that your research is either original, unique, or both. It needs to address a question or an issue that is not found anywhere else on the subject. Next, as with any other dissertation, comes the introduction. This is where you will, of course, introduce your readers to your research, via your thesis statement.

    Next comes the literature review, which focuses on the analysis of the sources you use to prove and/or strengthen your argument. These will be sources which have tackled similar topics. Following that comes the dissertation methodology, where is a detailed account describing the methods and tactics you used to obtain the results of your research, as well as why you chose those methods.

    The last part of your actual undergraduate dissertation is the conclusion, wherein you will succinctly restate your thesis statement and reveal your final results. Following that comes both the acknowledgments, where you name and thank anyone who helped you come up with dissertation ideas or the act of dissertation writing itself, and then the works cited page, or bibliography, where you list sources and references.

    Your undergraduate dissertation is your time to shine. It is your first big leap into academia and it will allow you to demonstrate the knowledge that you are attaining in your chosen field of study or interest. It will also set the precedent for how you tackle dissertations later on in your academic career. By getting started on the right foot, you might find that you are a dissertation expert by the time you are ready to go for your Master’s degree or Ph.D.

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    Tuesday 25th June 2019 at 16:31


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